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Build Back Better Cities Campaign

The ultimate toolkit for practitioners and partners of the carfree cities alliance
Carfree Toolkit

The toolkit is an organized collection of information, advice, ideas bank, How-to's and more, designed to guide practitioners in running carfree related campaigns, projects, events and programs. At CCA our chief mission is to support you, our allies and partners, to be successful in your work - we want you to be equipped with the best resources.
We have attempted to cover all of the important angles on the issues that are dear to you: from traffic-calmed streets, to pleasant neighborhoods and all the way to carfree cities. We hope you will benefit from to the maximum. Your feedback is always welcome.
Toolkit Sheets - available for download
These sheets have been organized and color-coded according to type of tool.
green for go!
Getting Started: how to determine your goals, come up with exciting projects and have serious impact
orange for action!
Action Guide: all about strategy, tactics, developing your capacity, and building successful programs
blue for know!
Knowledge Database: facts, examples and a wealth of knowledge

Getting started
CCA Toolkit #1 Big Time Impact
What you need to start is a good idea and the belief that you can make a difference. This short essay is all about providing you with a clear focus and a vision of creating impact.
CCA Toolkit #2 Diagnostics
Before you jump into action, take this diagnostic step. Have a good look around yourself, consider your starting point, and find helpful allies as you get ready to prepare and action plan.
CCA Toolkit #3 Action Ideas
A great list to help you find the idea that matches your interests. The list includes standalone campaigns, professional projects, skills workshops, ongoing programs, and more.
Action guide
CCA Toolkit #4 Talking Points
Ask the right questions! During a crucial conversation with a decision-maker, your local newspaper or a new project partner, these important points should be on your mind.
CCA Toolkit #5 Guide to Speaking Out
Don't just sit there, do something! Here you have suggestions and templates for contacting local authorities, writing newpaper articles, and issueing press releases.
CCA Toolkit #6 Tactics and Strategy
Coming soon
The best advice for fine-tuning a strategic approach when lobbying for change. These are effective strategies launched by organizations concerned with transforming their city's transportation.
CCA Toolkit #7 Planning Sheets Coming soon
Here you can find guidance and a step-by-step process to setting up and running a successful campaign. Several worksheets and flow charts enable campaigners with a way to structure their work.
CCA Toolkit #8 Campaigns
Coming soon
This sheet outlines a number of different campaign models - walking you through each one carefully and including considerations on tools and strategy selection, alternative scenarios, gauging impact.
Knowledge Database
CCA Toolkit #9 Fun Facts
Here you have numerous useful statistics and facts concerning urban mobility, car culture and driving, sustainability, climate change and related topics.
CCA Toolkit #10 Projects Catalogue
This is a collection of best practices and a wide range of projects from around the world. Organized by category and includes pictures and useful information. Most downloaded toolkit!
CCA Toolkit #11 Modal Shift
Coming soon
This document covers all of the science related to taming car culture. There are many methods to reduce car trips with guidance on traffic calming interventions.
CCA Toolkit #12 Guide To Resources Coming soon
Here you have a summary of some of the best resources available, including books, magazines, publications, articles, websites, films and more. Tailored to different countries and languages.